HYIP Monitor - Best Paying HYIPs
CryptoHyip.net - is a high-yield investment programs monitor with the paying crypto HYIPs. On the website there are a lot of paying and high-quality projects that works consistently. Programs on the main page are the most trusted. There are reviews about Crypto HYIP projects and the latest payouts. We monitor the status of each project and promptly respond to all investor messages. Our blog and HYIP Monitor CryptoHyip.net pays RCB bonuses (return of referral commission) for investors. Invest with CryptoHyip.net and get bonuses from our team. HYIP Crypto Monitor - the reliable and convenient protection from scams. If any HYIP has stopped payments, we will immediately inform you.
Selwix - earning on investments +1.5% per business days
Start Date: June 19, 2024
Running: 238 days
Income: 33% per month
Status: Paying
AiTiMart - 1.0% daily profit forever, withdrawn deposit;
Start Date: February 6, 2024
Running: 372 days
Income: 30% per month
Status: Paying
Bitmote Limited - profit: 9% for 13 days, deposit included
Start Date: October 26, 2023
Running: 475 days
Income: 39% per month
Status: Paying

GoldenPrice - 1.1% hourly for 96 hours, ROI: +5.6%;
Start Date: December 29, 2023
Running: 411 days
Income: 9.6% per month
Status: Paying